A stable owner is someone who owns a property dedicated
to the housing, feeding, and general care of horses.
Saddle Up with Alberta's Finest: Join the Association Today!
Become a member of the Stable Owners Association of Alberta and join
in a unified voice for the stable community in Alberta.
A stable owner is someone who owns a property dedicated
to the housing, feeding, and general care of horses.
Saddle Up with Alberta's Finest: Join the Association Today!
Become a member of the Stable Owners Association of Alberta
and join in a unified voice for the stable community in Alberta.
The purpose of the Stable Owners Association of Alberta is to promote communication among stable owners in Alberta and to provide a unified voice for the stable owners when addressing issues that affect the equine community.

Issues we face now and in our future:
- Manure and waste disposal
- Business, farm and property tax
- Revised land use by-laws
- Revisions to the Animal Keepers Act
- Insurance
- Communication with municipal and provincial governments
- Health and pandemic protocols
- Rodent control